NOTE: These ratings are made by students. and its staff are not responsible for the ratings or the comments listed below. The evaluations below may include only a portion of the total ratings for this school, which is why the summary ratings (above) do not always match the ratings below.
Recent Student Comments and Evaluations:

Santa Ana: 

Evaluation from oanderson:
We felt safe and had a great time. We visited the Mayan/Pipil ruins of Tazumal, San Andres, and Joya de Ceren, Cerro Verde, Volcan de Izalco, and Lago de Coatepeque.

Evaluation from tyhoffman:
I shouldn’t have wasted my time listening to language tapes. I was speaking the language a few days after I arrived.

Evaluation from LisaC:
El Salvador does not get many tourists these days, and that is unfortunate because it is a beautiful, fascinating country. The city of Santa Ana, where Escuela Sihuatehuacan is located, is a great location because it is very walkable, relatively safe and provides access to many attractions in the western half of the country. At this point the program does not have a school building per se, rather the Spanish teachers come to one's homestay or hotel, which is actually convenient. My teachers were very good, the director of the program was very caring and accomodating and my homestay family was wonderful. I also had the opportunity to do a lot of sightseeing. I would highly recommend this program.

San Salvador:

Evaluation from furichter:
My proficiency with the language and ability to communicate increased quickly.

Evaluation from cetuaq:
The teachers are trained in the communicative approach.

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